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Explore Dublin though interactive video map

Young Dublin filmmakers aim to give Dublin tourists – and curious locals – a portable service equivalent to “ten walking tours” to carry in their pockets.

THE FILMMAKERS BEHIND a website that allows users to experience Dublin through an interactive video map have said they aim to give city-ramblers the equivalent to “ten walking tours” to carry in their pockets.

Launched earlier this year, collects the most interesting personal and historical stories about Dublin, presents them as short video pieces and maps them online. Filmmakers Tom Rowley and Andrew Flaherty said their website blends “modern technology with the timeless art of storytelling” and they plan to launch an app so that tourists (and curious locals) can also explore on-the-go.

The app would collect together the stories of the city into ‘rambles’ – themed walks across the city that people can take (eg literary, historical, queer, comedy, romance). “It’s like having ten walking tours in your pocket. Only the user is in control and can switch them as their interest takes them,” Flaherty explained.

“For Dubliners and visitors it’s a brilliant tool. It illuminates everyday places with the hidden memories, dramas and big events that occurred there,” says Rowley.

Storymap appealing for funding support for the app through Fund It, a new all-island crowdfunding website for Ireland’s creative projects created by Business to Arts.
