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Would you buy an extra cinema ticket so strangers can't sit next to you? This guy does.

An interesting tactic.

Source: neoCine

THE NEW YORK Times has a column called The Ethicist, to which readers can submit ethical dilemmas from their daily lives.

Yesterday’s edition contained a letter from a man with an unusual habit: buying an extra cinema ticket every time to reserve the seat next to him, so nobody can sit there.

Here’s the letter:

When my wife and I go to the movies, I typically buy a third reserved seat so I can keep the seat next to me empty. I prefer — but by no means need, either physically or psychologically — the extra space. My wife finds this new habit of mine rather absurd and extravagant. I agree. But is it unethical?


Obviously this only works when the seats are reserved. But STILL. What do you think?

Do you mind sitting next to other people in the cinema?

Poll Results:

Yeah - if I had enough money, I'd be all over this. (797)
Kind of. I like having more space - but I wouldn't go this far. (701)
I'm not bothered, because I'm not a weirdo (456)

Source: Maëlick

(Here’s what The Ethicist has to say about the right answer.)

via James Kelleher

More: Dublin used to have 56 different cinemas. Here are some of the lost ones>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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