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Men swear more on Facebook, women talk about love (Infographic)

Women mention shopping and hair while men discuss gaming and beards, a study has found.

Warning: explicit language

MEN AND WOMEN use strikingly different language on Facebook, according to a large-scale academic study.

Male users are far more likely to swear, with females more likely to talk about love, discuss their feelings and use emoticons.

This graphic from the study of 75,000 Facebook users shows the words most likely to distinguish men and women. Female users are the cloud on top, male below.

Source: PLOS One

It shows (or confirms?) that women are far more likely to mention shopping, birthdays, chocolate and hair. When not swearing profusely, men may be found discussing computer games, sport and beards.

Carried out largely by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and published in PLOS One, the study analysed 700 million words and phrases from the Facebook status updates of volunteers. 

The graphic does not show the most used words and phrases by men and women, but the most distinguishing ones – so the words and phrases most likely to predict that either a male or a female is writing.

Variations in language with age and personality were also examined as part of the study. You can read the full version here.

h/t Gawker

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About the author:

Michael Freeman

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