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A Dad's Facebook post praising his son for dressing up as a Princess is going viral

“Halloween is about children pretending to be their favorite characters. Just so happens, this week his is a princess.”

CAIDEN HENSON IS the little hero that the internet has been waiting for.

You see, Halloween is coming up and Caiden really wants to dress up as Elsa from Frozen. So he and his Dad Paul went shopping and took this photo:

caldenelsa Source: Paul Henson/Facebook

His inspirational status that went with it has been shared over 21,000 times since Sunday

facebookpaulhenson Source: Facebook

He doesn’t care for any of the nonsense associated with kids’ clothes. His status reads:

Anyone that knows us, knows we generally let Caiden make his own choices, to an extent. Well, he has decided on a Halloween costume. He wants to be Elsa. He also wants me to be Anna. Game on.
Keep your masculine bullshit and slutty kids costumes, Halloween is about children pretending to be their favorite characters. Just so happens, this week his is a princess.

Well done, Dad.

And congratulations Caiden on his new costume <3.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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