What is it? Who gets it? Can you get rid of it?
Sit down.
What even is cellulite?
Fitness Magazine describes it best here…
It’s basically pockets of excess fat that have squeezed between the bands of tissue connecting muscle to skin.
This causes skin to assume a dimpled appearance and is universally acknowledged as being a gigantic pain in the arse.
Does everyone get it?
Well, almost.
It reportedly affects 90% of women and about 10% of men.
As for why men (mostly) aren’t afflicted by it? It’s to do with differences in collagen structure between men and women.
Per Women’s Health:
Women’s skin collagen is arranged in parallel rows, like pillars. This pattern lends itself to the compartmentalization of fat, which makes cellulite visible. Men’s collagen, however, is arranged in an X-pattern. This creates only very small fat compartments and doesn’t allow for dimpling of the skin.
But practically all women get it?
Pretty much.
The day I wake up without cellulite? Now that would be the perfect day.
And Iggy Azalea.
What are biggest factors?
The Mayo Clinic states that genetics might have the biggest role to play in determining whether or not you’ll be #blessed with cellulite.
Other contributory factors include weight gain and hormones.
I’ve heard that caffeine causes cellulite — is that true?
Dietician Nigel Denby told The Telegraph that this is nothing more than a “canard”.
Cellulite can be exacerbated by extreme dieting, which affects metabolism. The idea that caffeine causes cellulite is a canard, and so are most of the supposed cures.
In fact, there is no conclusive evidence to suggest a link between particular foods and cellulite. (Although it is advised to limit your intake of alcohol, refined sugars and processed foods if you’re trying to get rid of it.)
Is there any way to get rid of it?
The Mayo Clinic states that weight loss is probably the most effective means of getting rid of cellulite, although it cautions that it won’t necessarily get rid of it all.
Losing pounds and strengthening muscles in your legs, thighs, buttocks and abdomen can improve the appearance of the dimpled skin. The benefits of weight loss alone are limited, however.
However, there are a few simple things that can help minimise cellulite and are also just generally good for you.
- Keeping hydrated and on top of your daily water intake (8 glasses a day, don’t you know?)
- Eating hydrating foods like cucumbers, aubergines and chicken noodle soup.
- Exfoliating your skin with a homemade coffee scrub.
- Exercise!
Also: French women apparently swear by a type of massage called lymphatic drainage as a means of combatting cellulite.
So now.
What about all those potions and lotions that claim to get rid of cellulite?
There are countless anti-cellulite treatments available on the high street, but do any of them work?
Well, let’s just say The Mayo Clinic isn’t convinced.
Many cellulite treatments, including massages or cellulite creams, advertise remarkable results. Most of these treatments don’t live up to their claims.
Something to be aware of before forking over cash, we guess.
If everyone has it, why are women so ashamed of it/reluctant to talk about it?
Probably because it’s so rarely seen in magazines/popular media and we’re therefore conditioned to believe it’s something to be self-conscious about. (Thanks a lot, Photoshop.)
And tabloids don’t exactly help.
When Kate Moss, then 37, dared to walk the runway in 2011 with a smidgeon of cellulite visible, The Daily Mail pounced…
Indeed, the stir that an unretouched image of Cindy Crawford (later said to have been doctored) caused shows just how unaccustomed to seeing real women’s bodies in magazines.
Fortunately, thanks to the willingness of public figures to speak up and body positivity movement, it seems that women are growing more and more comfortable with cellulite.
As for what lads think?
Er, who cares?