LITTLE EIGHT-YEAR-OLD MUIREANN Tighe from Wicklow has her priorities sorted.
Most kids use their wooden fairy doors to ask for wishes or express their worries. But Muireann tried to outsmart us all by asking for something a little more practical – her maths homework.
She left this note at her fairy door, much to the amusement of her mam:
Are you good at maths if you are can you do my homework the pages are at the front folder. in pencil plese [sic].
Nice of her to add that stipulation, we all know fairies usually write in pen.
On the Irish Fairy Door Company’s website, they recommend you write this kinda stuff to your fairy:
You can tell your fairy about yourself, about your day or about something you are excited or worried about. Your fairy will love to read all of your news no matter what it is about because you wrote it just for them.
Thanks Jess Halpin for sending this our way.