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11 reasons fancy coffee drinkers don’t give a sh*te what you think

It’s FANCY and we’re FANCY.

FANCY COFFEE IS basically a daily staple, don’t fight us on this.

1. Our hands feel empty without a cup

We can’t help it. There’s a whole lot of comfort in that paper sleeve.

Breakfast is served. Takeaway lattes super fast and delicious. ☕️ Source: rough_diamond_coffee

2. We really don’t care about the quality

So you can stop launching into how much your french press and Colombian grind is superior to our espresso-machine hazelnut mocha.

#trifecta...I wonder if you need three or if that was just one good, ironic up sell? #fancycoffee Source: abigailkiefer

What even is that?

3. The more sugar, the better

Basically, coffee is sometimes just an excuse to have a dessert at 9am.

How cute is my Bowl of Soul?! I haven't tried it yet cuz I don't wanna ruin it. Lol #cafes #bowlofsoul #tupelocoffeehouse #scute #fancycoffee #coffeeart #itsnotevencoffee Source: ronron311

4. This is not not coffee

It LOOKS like an ice cream, and it tastes as good too.

#fancycoffee#basicbitch Source: oxinetaxo

If it tastes a bit like coffee, it’s coffee.

5. You don’t know the joy of taking the first sip on a cold day

Like a hug in a mug.

Nice little treat from my boss this morning! #costa #costacoffee #coffee #cappuccino #italian #takeawaycoffee #coffeetogo #decaf #decafcoffee #decaffeinated #drink #froth #frothy #frothycoffee #skinny #skinnycappuccino #coffeeporn Source: 49daystobali

6. Office and instant coffee is just grim

Compare this…

♨☕♨☕♨ #珈琲 #奢華 #同僚 #焙煎 #乾杯 #オフィス #コーヒー #커피 #사무실 #사무실용커피 #뜨거운커피 #AGF #MAXIM #AROMASELECT #coffee #Office #OfficeCoffee #HotCoffee #ホットコーヒー #オフィスコーヒー #hkig Source: kapasiu

With this…

Swirls of deliciousness #coffee #macchiato #caramel #fancycoffee #espresso #greenjuicecafe @greenjuicecafe Source: greenjuicecafe

We know what we want.

7. More milk than coffee is essential

If we wanted strong, dark coffee, we’d knock back an espresso and let that be that.

#fancycoffee #malta #valletta #holiday #coffeeaddict #vanillalatte Source: hannamayroberts

8. Everyone else is missing the bond you can make with a barista

They know your order, they say good morning, you imagine your life with them…

Sweet gift from my sweet coworker on my last day at work. I accepted a great opportunity & start Tuesday! Very excited for what the future holds Source: alylo_fit

9. Not to mention some creations that are like a dessert with a coffee kick

Pra quem encara tudo numa boa, numa relax, a única dúvida do dia é: borda de DOCE DE LEITE ou NUTELLA? Source: valkiriacafe

Nutella and Dolce Du Leche rims. Amazing.

10. Coffee shops are our zen place

Enjoy having your coffee powder crouched over your desk.

I've the cozy nook in @clementandpekoe ! #smug Source: hollykatewhite

11. And bringing someone a coffee sets up a bond for life

You don’t win friends with coffee granules.

Another day and our awesome #baristas have been smashing it on the #coffeemachine! Come down and see us soon for your #caffeinefix!! Don't forget you can place phone orders like this one, for your next office function, business meeting or casual get together!! #perthbarista #coffee #barista ##theperthcoffeescene #thesparrowsnestcafe #takeawaycoffee #latte #flatwhite #cappuccino #icedcoffee #baristalife #vicpark #latteart #perthcafe #yahava #lifeinthepark #caffeine #thesparrowsnest Source: thesparrowsnestcafe

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