FANCY COFFEE IS basically a daily staple, don’t fight us on this.
1. Our hands feel empty without a cup
We can’t help it. There’s a whole lot of comfort in that paper sleeve.
2. We really don’t care about the quality
So you can stop launching into how much your french press and Colombian grind is superior to our espresso-machine hazelnut mocha.
What even is that?
3. The more sugar, the better
Basically, coffee is sometimes just an excuse to have a dessert at 9am.
4. This is not not coffee
It LOOKS like an ice cream, and it tastes as good too.
If it tastes a bit like coffee, it’s coffee.
5. You don’t know the joy of taking the first sip on a cold day
Like a hug in a mug.
6. Office and instant coffee is just grim
Compare this…
With this…
We know what we want.
7. More milk than coffee is essential
If we wanted strong, dark coffee, we’d knock back an espresso and let that be that.
8. Everyone else is missing the bond you can make with a barista
They know your order, they say good morning, you imagine your life with them…
9. Not to mention some creations that are like a dessert with a coffee kick
Nutella and Dolce Du Leche rims. Amazing.
10. Coffee shops are our zen place
Enjoy having your coffee powder crouched over your desk.
11. And bringing someone a coffee sets up a bond for life
You don’t win friends with coffee granules.