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9 decadent ways to kick your Pancake Tuesday up a notch

Time to go all out.

Buttery, fluffy Rum & Raisin Pancakes you guys!!! Yes?? Recipe in my cookbook #tastyexpress I promise you they are absolutely smashing!! Source: Instagram/cookrepublic

IT’S PANCAKE TUESDAY, AKA the day that everyone gets to proudly have breakfast for dinner.

Sure, a simple lemon and sugar pancake may be your bag – but if you want to experiment, here are some more luxurious options. Treat yo’self.

1. American-style pancakes

People say it's Pancake Day! So let's celebrate it! Source: Instagram/deliciouslygf_byana

So fluffy, and a luxurious change from Irish crepe-style pancakes. Best served with almost illegal amounts of syrup. Recipe here.

2. Cinnamon swirl pancakes

American pancake mixture + simple cinnamon icing = YUM. Recipe here.

3. Chocolate crepes

Gordon Ramsay’s recipe calls for Chantilly cream, but we’d like to try them with tons of berries. Recipe here.

4. Nutella pancake muffins

Put your pancake mix in a muffin tin for oozy, chocolatey, bite-size treats. Recipe here.

5. Bacon strip pancakes

Not bad for my first time! ^~^ #breakfast #baconstrippancakes using #multigrainpancakemix and #almondmilk, paired with some #donfranciscocoffee and #sugarfreesyrup! #omnomnomgram Source: itssandradee

The bacon is INSIDE the pancake. Genius. Recipe here.

6. Black Forest pancakes

Black Forest #porncakes...I've been thinking about these all week. They consisted of 1/2c @kodiakcakes mix, 15g Cocoa powder, 3-4 packets of stevia. The cherry sauce was 130g unsweetened frozen cherries simmered in a pot with about 1/2 water and 2g cornstarch until thick. The white sauce was greek yogurt cream cheese (must be at room temperature or it won't mix!), thinned with almond milk and sweetened with powdered sugar + a little bit of vanilla extract (optional). Also topped it with @waldenfarmsinternational chocolate syrup. I know they look good, but they tasted even better. Time to start brainstorming for next week's #porncakesundays. I love getting creative with these! @thefitbaldman @fitness_iq Source: Instagram/mini_beasttt

Seriously decadent. Recipe here.

7. Chunky monkey pancakes

pb pancakes Source: OurBestBites

Banana and chocolate goodness, plus peanut butter ‘syrup’. Heaven help us. Recipe here.

8. White chocolate and raspberry pancakes

How could I say no!!! Source: Instagram/bjcole70

Sweet and delicious. Recipe here.

9. Pina Colada pancakes

In honor of #laborday a little island massive treat for all my #caribbean peeps. Piña Colada Pancakes... Roasted Pineapples drenched in Rum, toasted coconut in a Rum coconut syrup! #popbyyaz #popyum #pinacolada #pinacoladapancakes #pancakes #brunch #rumsyrup #islandmassive #yum Source: Instagram/yazatpop

If you really want to go mad. Rum and getting caught in the rain not included. Recipe here.

More: A Galway café just shared this bucket of Nutella in time for Pancake Tuesday>

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