WITH AMY SCHUMER and Cara Delevingne the subject of some blood curdling awkward interviews over the last couple of weeks, you’d almost begin to think that they’re doing it on purpose.
The latest batch of celebrities to be hit with some cringeworthy questions are Fantastic Four stars, Michael B Jordan, Jamie Bell, and Kate Mara.
The trio were appearing on Rock 100.5 Mornings, a radio show in Atlanta, and the questions ranged from uneasy to just plain offensive.
Presenter Jason Baily quizzed Mara and Jordan about playing siblings in the movie, and asked how they could be related due to having different ethnicities.
From where I stand you’re brother and sister, am I missing something?. You’re white and you’re black, how does that happen? There has to be some sort of adoption thing going on.
Despite being taken aback, Jordan answers quickly.
They could be raised as brother and sister. I mean, there’s a whole lot of different family dynamics it could be without it being the obvious ‘adoption’ thing going on.
When attention was turned to Mara, with presenter Southside Steve telling her she is way way hot and quizzed her about why she cut her ‘beautiful’ hair. He also adds that he’s a toe guy, and her toes are ‘fine’.
In an email to Buzzfeed, Bailey explained his comments:
My partner’s (Southside Steve) conversation about Kate’s hair is something that came up while Michael B Jordan took a phone call so I think they were kind of just going back forth in a playful way. As for him complimenting her toes and why people are upset about that…sorry…no idea. Steve likes girl’s toes. People should be appreciative when they get complimented. Those that are upset on Twitter I guess don’t get enough of them. Who knows?
Still, the hosts tweeted that they found it as awkward as the rest of us.
Watch the full thing here: