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Will Dick or Fanny make it into the film version of Enid Blyton's The Faraway Tree?

Sam Mendes’ company is adapting the books for a film.

ENID BLYTON’S CLASSIC Magic Faraway Tree books are being adapted for the big screen.

The BBC reported this week that Sam Mendes’ company Neal Street Productions are taking on the task of turning the much-loved children’s tales into live action films.

Reaction to the news has been largely positive as fans of the books anticipate how the characters of Moonface, the Saucepan Man, Silky the Fair and others will be interpreted.

There’s concern too about what the human characters will be named.

The first book in the series – The Enchanted Wood - featured Jo, Bessie and Fanny, who were joined in the second title – The Magic Faraway Tree – by their cousin Dick.

More recent editions of the books rename Fanny and Dick and Frannie and Rick. Bessie meanwhile has been changed to a more modern ‘Beth’.

It’s not yet clear whether the film adaptation will stick to the traditional names bestowed on the characters by Blyton, or if the children’s characters will take on their new monikers.

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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