IN A PREVIOUS life, one of the staffers here at The Daily Edge was a young, bright-eyed intern who was asked to run around New York City looking for the “cleanest, roundest, most-evenly-shaped bunch of grapes” Manhattan had to offer.*
So, when we discuss the highs and lows of the fashion interns that Grazia has shone a light on here, we are in no way mocking. We’re with them. We feel their delirium during all those free-goodie-bag highs, as well as the crushing photocopying-is-actually-a-really-important-job-at-midnight-on-deadline-night lows.
In fact, we couldn’t have described those interning days better than 18-year-old Reiss schmuck intern Albin Lamaj:
“It’s still only just over a month since I started my internship, but some days I already feel like I’ve been here years – in a good way!”
Here are some other worldly thoughts from a number of 20-something’s trying to brave the brutal world of Balenciaga, Blahnik and Beckham.
On what to wear:
You know the feeling – when you’re stood in front of your wardrobe, literally panicking, and have no idea what to wear? I was like that. But, though everyone looks amazing, they’re not intimidating. They’re just the same as you and me; they’re normal people, and so kind.
There’s a relief – fashion people are just like you and me. Phew.
On what fashion really is:
These ‘looks’ are called stories – effectively, we create a ‘story’ of what a certain woman would wear with a certain item if she was going shopping, or to work.
Oh, that makes SO much more sense now. Albin should have just written his story and he wouldn’t have been panicking in front of the wardrobe (see above).
On what interning really is:
But though I’m totally working with their team, I do keep reminding myself that I am an intern – so I still make a cup of tea for them all every now and again to keep them happy. You’ve got to…!
I feel you Ben.
On why a scarf is better than a belt:
I get ideas everywhere – from magazines to people I see in the street. I’m always snapping away on my iPhone! I’ve just started to design a belt, but my major project is to design a scarf.
Belts do keep pants up but then scarves keep you warm. I don’t think I could choose.
On being that person:
You know that moment when you walk past a shop window and think “I have to have that”… well that’s what my job is. We pick what goes in the window, what goes together on a rail, what catches your eye.
She owes be at least 200 bucks.
On having ideas:
I thought I was too young or ‘out there’. But just last week we were looking at the new collection and I suggested introducing neon green. They liked it.
Neon green? What’s not to like?
On having a dream:
Oh Em Gee. My wish to spot someone wearing my design on the tube (and promptly collapse) might actually come true.
That’s how that’s written? Ok.
*This author can confirm, first-hand, that this actually happened.