WITH GREGGS ON its way to Ireland and Wetherspoons now a fixture, we’re taking a look at the other British cafes we need, stat.
9. Eat
While the paninis are deeply satisfying, we don’t like that the name is so pushy. We’ll eat if we want to.
8. tossed
Let’s face it, it’s hard to get a healthy lunch when you’re in a massive rush. Tossed are a chain of UK salad bars that’ll have you in and out and chomping on some decent rabbit food in no time.
7. Leon
Leon is another commuter savior in the UK, bringing clean Mediterranean influenced lean eats… along with all the cheese-drenched bacon and eggs muffins you could ever want.
6. Las Iguanas
Lower down on the list than it probably should be, but Las Iguanas Latin fare needs to get across the sea with less urgency than most. Merely, MERELY, because we’re afraid of ruining it for ourselves. Go here with a group of friends and dine like kings with a rake of tapas and cocktails to beat all others.
5. Pho
An easy way into the wonders of Vietnamese street food. Get OVER HERE.
4. Giraffe
Giraffe restaurants are kinda to Africa as Nando’s is to Portugal. They’re big spacey cafes that do a savage brunch.
3. Byron
We went mad over In N Out this month, but Byron burgers are where the quality is at. They have branches all over the UK and they are damn tasty, with desserts you will actually legit need to die for. Their alcoholic milkshakes are also top notch, such as the Oreo-bourbon hard shake.
2. Wasabi Sushi and Bento
This little sushi chain is the lunch spot you’ve been after your whole life. The sushi and bentos are fresh, delicious, and not too unreasonable. Get over here.
1. Pret A Manger
The lack of Pret in Ireland makes us weep. With cheap tasty coffee, and fresh, healthy baugettes for next to nothing, someone needs to pick up a franchise stat.