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Thousands are signing a petition to ban this Facebook emoji

They argue that fat is not a feeling.

FACEBOOK USERS ARE asking the social network to remove a ‘fat’ emoji from their list of emotions, arguing that it is not a feeling and is ‘making fun’ of people who are overweight.

Users can currently opt to say they are ‘feeling fat’ in status updates, which is listed among options such as happy, sad, tired and amused.

A change.org petition has been set up to ban the little rounded smilie, which is the same used to illustrate feeling ‘full’.

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Catherine Weingarten set up the petition when she noticed a friend changed her status to the emoticon. She explained “I think it was supposed to be funny, but seeing this status made me feel angry”.

As someone who has struggled with and overcome disordered eating, I know what it’s like to “feel” fat. I have spent years of my life consumed with negative thoughts about my body, and far too many days starving myself in an effort to lose weight.
When Facebook users set their status to “feeling fat,” they are making fun of people who consider themselves to be overweight, which can include many people with eating disorders.

The petition has received 12,654 signatures so far.


It coincides with National Eating Disorders Awareness Week and Weingarten is now working on the campaign with Endangered Bodies, a body positive initiative which also has an Irish branch. They have campaigned against Photoshopping in women’s magazines in the past, using Instagram and Twitter to launch viral campaigns.

red_poster Source: EndangeredBodies

The movement has also made its way to Twitter, with campaigners using the hashtag #FatIsNotAFeeling.

A spokesperson for Facebook told the Daily Star that:

People use Facebook to share their feelings with friends and support each other. One option we give people to express themselves is to add a feeling to their posts. You can choose from over 100 feelings we offer based on people’s input or create your own.

What do you think? Should it be banned?

Poll Results:

It's harmless :) (839)
Ban it :( (346)

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