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15 things that have happened in 2016 that are straight out of Father Ted

The plotlines for a reboot write themselves.

1. When there were these scenes in a brand new Dunnes in South Dublin

dunnes Source: Imgur

2. And when this sign was proudly held up at a protest in Iceland

3. When this scandal rocked a parish in March

4. This episode of Eastenders

5. And this big soccer match

6. This headline could have been straight out of The Craggy Island Examiner

7. There was this stiletto photoshoot for the annual lovely girls competition

stilettos Source: RTE

8. And an Olympian with a name worthy of an eye test chart

“How did that gobshite get on the television?”

9. When Father Larry Duff appeared in an actual Spiderman comic in January

10. When a priest in Mayo found this surprise on his lunch order

prawns Source: Facebook

11. That time there were strange happenings on the moors

ated Source: The Irish Times

12. When this pup could have been a suspect for a whistle theft

aaaaa1 - Copy

13. This activity was surely worthy of a funfair in “The Field”

14. There was this collection of prizes available in a local raffle

The people who ran the raffle probably won all the lambs, too.

15. And finally… when this close call made it to the paper

PastedImage-90734 Source: Daithi O'Laoghaire

It’s time for a 2016 reboot… and the plotlines write themselves.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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