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What Does Your Favourite Snapchat Filter Say About You?

We can tell you.


Flower crown


Promotional or seasonal filters
Face swap

The beauty filter in all its forms
A weird facial-distortion filter

Rainbow vomit

Bread head
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Wow, really? You are basic as hell. You still think sticking your tongue out is edgy and you definitely have a coffee mug with some slogan about unicorns on it. We all skip your snaps.
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Flower crown
Funnily enough, you're not the queen of the basics. That goes to the puppy lovers. Don't get us wrong, you still enjoy a good Gingerbread latte and a pair of uggs, but you know the power of irony.
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You secretly want to use the dog filter but feel it's too basic, so are snaking your way into the cute animal filters via the deer. Basically, you post dozens of wide-eyed snaps to your story and check them constantly to see if the person who want to shift watched them. They didn't.
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Aging filter
You think you're GAS. Pity nobody else does.
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Promotional filter
You have the smallest attention span known to man and constantly spam your poor pals with the latest snap of you in the new filters. They tolerate you though, bless them.
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Face swap
You're a complete messer and know a good gag when you see one. You'd go to great depths to get a good swap so you're handworking too. Love you.
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Beauty filter
You're a glam bitch and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Let's face it, everyone looks better with the beauty filter. You're a big enough person to admit it.
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Lips-as-eyes and other weird facial distortions
You are fuuuu*cked up. You can laugh at yourself though, just as much as everyone else does.
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Rainbow vomit
You don't really get Snapchat but desperately want to be down with the kids. You're also probably someone's nan.
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You're very easily amused and prefer to cover up as much of your face as possible. You're a bit shy but not nearly as annoying as most people on Snapchat, so for that, kudos.
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Bread head
You love internet memes and are constantly showing people funny videos that you laughed your ass off at only to be met with complete silence. It's OK, the internet gets you.
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You find people inhaling helium and singing HILARIOUS. Basically, your sense of humour is lacking. But you look stunning as a bee.
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