1. When they erected this necessary sign on the Fermanagh/Donegal border
2. That time this guy was walking down the street and came across a sight for sore eyes
3. When you couldn’t drive down the road without this ridiculous tractor traffic jam holding you up
4. When this high profile court case was the talk of Enniskillen
5. When a butcher in Irvinestown wrapped some Creme Eggs in sausage meat and deep fried them
6. When this magazine could be found stocked locally
7. When the Centra in Derrylin made the best Black Friday spoof ever
8. The time this bumper sticker let everyone know they were going to the big country jamboree
9. When a night out in Enniskillen wouldn’t have been complete without this character
10. That time a donkey rode through the town like a KING
11. And these lads weren’t too far behind
12. There was the thrilling case of the curry chip
13. And this guy posing for the best selfie ever
14. And finally… this sign spotted in a Fermanagh field is just excellent
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