Dublin: 4 °C Saturday 15 March, 2025

People who eat Ferrero Rochers in one bite are simply wrong

Sick and wrong.

CHRISTMAS AND THE subsequent weeks is a time of eating.

Bs1Zf37CAAE5HHp Source: fayjagan

Surely enough, you’ll have amassed a large selection of Ferrero Rochers chocolate from your posh auntie Margaret, and you’ve potentially already got stuck into them.

But are you getting stuck into them RIGHT?

Only a monster would eat a FR in one bite. Or even BITE INTO IT?

#ferrerorocher Source: emehacheg


aupsetting Source: NeemaNazTV

Sick, wrong.

Get out. It’s as painful as biting into a Kit Kat.

You’re upsetting us.

DSC_0419 Source: Foodpunk

We all know that the only way to eat them is slowly, layer by layer


Keep on fighting the good fight, and eat Ferrero Rochers the way they were intended.

B9QQM-qIcAAx8cA Source: Chris89Stokes

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