IRISH BAND FIGHT Like Apes have promised to find a way to pay back fans who bought their latest EP in a Dublin record store, after an apparent pricing error.
The band posted a long Facebook status last night following an in-store appearance at Tower Records on Dawson Street.
They said they were “absolutely mortified” and “embarrassed” after seeing their EP, Whigfield Sextape, on sale for €12.99 – but added that they believed it wasn’t the store’s fault.
“The idea of anyone forking out that kind of money for 4 songs is f***ing disgusting,” the status said. “We think the distributor must have made a mistake or that somebody has f***ed up an invoice somewhere along the lines.”
Fans who bought the EP for that price would be repaid somehow, the band said.
We will get to the bottom of this in the next few days and figure out how people can be reimbursed for this.
It is not clear how the pricing confusion arose, and the band said on Twitter that they are “not pointing any fingers”. Fight Like Apes’ record label – who sell the EP online for £4 – also said that they were also trying to get to the bottom of it:
A spokesperson for Tower Records was not immediately available for comment.
The band, who have a devoted fanbase in Dublin and around the country, also apologised. “Sorry for being in anyway involved in you having to remortgage your parents’ gaff to listen to a couple of songs,” the status said.