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10 very important questions to ask on a first date

Get to know each other. Fast.

THERE ARE FEW things more awkward than a first date.

You like them, you think they like you, but somehow, you’ve lost the ability to be charming and witty (if you ever possessed it in the first place).

These questions will help you get to know them really quickly. Really, really quickly.

1. Supermacs or McDonald’s?

macbattle Source: Flickr/paul-ford

The battle of the Macs. Good to get this out of the way straight off the bat.

2. If Jurassic Park was a real amusement park, would you go there?

JP-WhenDinosaursRuled Source: Wikia

Knowing everything we know, obviously.

3. Do you have beans with your fry?

4460785994_da83633f07_b Source: Flickr

Potentially divisive.

4. What do you call your mother?

irishma Source: DailyEdge.ie

Mam, mum, or – whisper it – mom? Judge accordingly.

5. Lyons or Barry’s – and why?


6. Would you rather always be a little too hot, or a little too cold?

giphy Source: Giphy

7. What’s your Rose of Tralee talent?

dress-12 Source: DailyEdge.ie

Ours is putting on a double bed cover in 5.5 seconds.

8. What Hogwarts house would you be in?

tumblr_mzojfz95RL1rdi7wyo2_r1_1280 Source: Tumblr

Oh, you think you’re a Gryffindor, do you? We’ll see about THAT.

9. Would you rather everyone being able to see your browsing history from the past 12 months, or having no internet for a year?

HWdvI Source: Imgur

10. Which would you pick first – Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle?

pokemon Source: YouTube

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