THIS MONTH, IN association with Sprite Cucumber, we’re celebrating all the times you stayed as cool as a cucumber. No matter what was happening around you. We want to hear your most amusing disaster stories – and we’ll be sharing the best ones.
First dates can often go really well. Nothing beats a first date that just feels like the start of something great.
But far too often, first dates just go really really badly.
Need we remind you of the time a 21 year old guy had to ask his mam if he could watch an R rated movie? Or the lad who asked his date to refund the €5 coffee he bought her, after she rejected him?
Yeah, not something you’ll be telling the grandkids about.
But we want to know the story of YOUR absolute worst first date. Maybe they revealed that they’d shifted your sibling and you actually managed to keep your cool? Or maybe their card got ‘declined’, but you didn’t quite believe them? The more cringeworthy, the better.
Comment below, tweet us @dailyedge, or email niamh@dailyedge.ie for your tale to be featured. I mean, if nothing else, you got a good story out of it.