Dublin: 12 °C Thursday 20 February, 2025

People are struggling to forgive John from First Dates Ireland for saying he hates Beyoncé

He loves Conor McGregor though, natch.

MUCH TO EVERY bitter single person’s relief, last night’s First Dates Ireland was full of clangers galore.

There was poor Shawna (aka @SexSiopa) and Pranay, who just couldn’t get the conversation off the ground though.

rte Source: RTÉ

Then, there was model Glenn, who got date Emily to follow him on Instagram …

… Before royally rejecting her because she didn’t compliment him during their date. You can imagine the Twitter reaction.

Source: RTÉ

And then there was John from Limerick, who in his pre-date interview described himself as “good-looking, confident and not cocky”.

What a catch.

Source: RTÉ

He also gave us our new morning mantra. Repeat after me …

Source: RTÉ

His date Clodagh got more than she bargained for when John decided to talk about The Killing Fields.

Source: RTÉ

(He has since admitted he probably should have quit while he was ahead. Mouth diarrhea. It happens).

But it was his opinions on popular culture that really got on his date’s – and the public’s goat – after he admitted he hates Beyoncé.

Beyoncé is another person I can’t stand … Like what is the whole Beyoncé thing about?”

This, coming from the man who loves Conor McGregor …

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People were conflicted over how to feel about him, especially after that admission.


Since the show aired, John has admitted that he’s started listening to Beyoncé, and that some of her songs aren’t actually that bad.

He might not have found true love, but at least he found his way back to the light.

DailyEdge is on Instagram!

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