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# First Holy Communion

All time
Opinion: Religion is a choice - not an obligation. Let's make religious classes opt-in
David Graham
Poll: How much is appropriate to give to a child making their communion?
Parents spending over €900 on average for their child's Communion
Priest reverses controversial 'any Sunday in May or June' Communion plan after backlash
How much do children get on their Communion day and how much do parents spend?
Man whose dangerous driving caused death of woman (70) allowed to attend son's Communion
This 'non-First Holy Communion' card from an Irish granny is just wonderful
Opinion: First Holy Communion etiquette for sensible spenders
Avril O'Reilly
Apache Pizza in Cork are doing Communion buffets
Column: Some etiquette for the modern-day First Holy Communion
Avril O'Reilly
Is €713 too much to spend on a Communion? Most parents don't think so
Poll: Should preparation for sacraments remain the job of teachers?
Fewer teachers now teaching religion 'willingly'
Average welfare payments for religious ceremonies halved in 2012
Column: I don’t want my son to make his Communion, but I’m worried
Emma Gilmore
Poll: How much is appropriate to give a child on their First Communion?
Irish children receive more money for holy communion: Survey