WE’D ALL DIE of embarrassment if our first ever instagrams were displayed to the world like this.
But because they’re celebs, our sympathy is limited – they can bury their shameful head into a pile of money, or maybe just their AIB app because who carries cash anymore?
So without further ado, here’s 10 Irish celebs and their first insta pics.
1. Vogue Williams
Vogue crushing on Brigette Bardot, which is basically Vogue crushing on a Vogue-lookalike. We’ll let you away with it, cause you’re gas and you’re vocal for Repeal.
2. Rozanna Purcell
The year is 2012 and these types of photos are cool.
3. Aisling Bea
Evidence that Aisling Bea really is just a kid that never ever grew up. Never ever change Aisling.
4. Sharon Horgan
Sharon is such a God to me that this picture doesn’t turn me off. Kinda of the opposite. ILOVEYOUSHARON
5. Amy Huberman
Is there anyone else I would rather eat hungover Maccy D’s with?!
6. Niall Horan
NiAlL hOrAn Is EdGy, GuYs, AnD hE wAnTs YoU tO KnOw
7. Rob Lipsett
Basssssic. But was I expecting anything better? No.
8. Pippa O’Connor
I got thumb cramps scrolling through 3,805 photos for what? A heavily filtered, blurry picture of Pippa’s nails. I’m done.
9. Chris O’Dowd
Thank you Chris O’Dowd for having less than 20 photos
10. Una Healy
Ending on a note to make your heart-melt: Una’s daughter, Aoife Belle, who is now 6