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Duck face is dead, 'fish gape' is the new selfie look

Duck face is no more.

fishgape3 Source: Instagram

WE ALL KNOW duck face. Sure it’s been the ever present selfie trend of the last five years.

But now apparently it’s gone – and it’s been replaced by the “fish gape.”

Which looks more like this

fishgape2 Source: Instagram

As Cosmo explains, fish gape is where it’s at now:

Nowadays, if you scroll through your Instagram feed, there’s a new pose: It’s open-mouthed and slightly toothy. It’s the cooler, more flattering replacement for the duck face, and it’s called “fish gape.”

So, “open-mouthed and slightly toothy” seems to be fish gape’s main characteristic

fishgape32 Source: Instagram

No more duck face – the fish gape has been adopted by celebrities and Instagram models as the cool new thing

fishgape322 Source: Instagram

The fish gape has become something of a phenomenon in the last couple of weeks. Sure, the pose has been around for ages – but it never had a name.

This poll on Twitter today asked the all important question

fishgape Source: Twitter

And fish gapeis just about winning.

And word has got out

Fish gape is the new selfie trend

Laters duck face, your time has past

So now.

hat-tip Buzzfeed

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About the author:

David Elkin

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