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FKA Twigs has an empowering message for anyone who's undergone this reproductive health issue

The English singer had six fibroid tumours removed in December.

SINGER FKA TWIGS has revealed in an Instagram post that last December she underwent painful uterine (laparoscopic ) surgery to remove six tumours from her uterus.

Source: Doug Peters/EMPICS Entertainment

After the surgery, it was discovered how enormous her fibroid tumours were: apparently they were the size of 2 cooking apples, 3 kiwis and a couple of strawberries. As FKA Twigs put it, it was a

a fruit bowl of pain everyday. the nurse said that the weight and size was like being 6 months pregnant.

When you’re pregnant you know the cause of your bodily discomfort and pain will be over after 9 months. But for those who are going through the pain and discomfort of fibroid tumours, without understanding the cause or knowing if there’s an end in sight, this can be overwhelmingly scary.

There can be a feeling of ‘Is this it? Is this the new normal for what pain is?  Is that what my mobility and strength is now?’.

FKA twigs further elaborates on the fear that the pain caused her:

 I tried to be brave but it was excruciating at times and to be honest I started to doubt if my body would ever feel the same again.

Source: @fkatwigs/instagram.com

Her fear that her body would never be the same again is very relatable, but there was an added element for FKA Twigs. Dancing and appreciating her body is a huge part of her identity.

FKA Twigs has previously spoken of her love of dancing and in particularly keeping her body ‘fluid and strong’.  The English singer, who is also a songwriter, record producer and director, initially pursued a career as a dancer, and was a back-up dancer for Jessie J in her video for 2010′s ‘Do It Like A Dude’. So for her as a young woman, a dancer, who greatly appreciates what her body can do, the pain of the heavy tumours must have felt extremely scary.

I had surgery in December and I was so scared, despite lots of love from friends and family I felt really alone and my confidence as a woman was knocked.

However, FKA twigs had an empowering and reassuring message for others going through the same thing:

I know that a lot of women suffer from fibroid tumours and I just wanted to say after my experience that you are amazing warriors and that you are not alone. you can get through this.

People were quick to praise FKA twigs for speaking out about her reproductive health issues.

When those in the public use their voice to shine a light on health issues that have made them feel alone or scared, it can really help others who are experiencing similar emotions.

Speaking publically about reproductive health issues for women is especially important, as there is still a strange treatment of women and pain, where women’s pain is not taken as seriously as men’s. Many women are told ‘the pain is all in your head‘ when it comes to matters of the uterus.

Due to the fact that many medical trials only focus their studies on men, the pain and issues that specifically affect women can be brushed aside. As we have unfortunately seen in Ireland during the past week, with the cervical cancer scandal, but with other issues too such as endometriosis, fibroids, vaginal meshing and Polycystic ovaries.

Her message was accompanied by this hypnotizing and beautiful video of FKA twigs dancing and looking strong AF.

Her post was an encouraging reminder to us all to love and appreciate our bodies as our homes, and to give our bodies time to heal if its been through trauma:

today whilst dancing with Kelly at the choreography house I felt like my strong self again for the first time in a while and it was magical. thank you precious body for healing, thank you for reminding me to be kind to myself, you are a wonderful thing, now go create and be other once again <3

The super classy FKA twigs ended her post with this uplifting message:

and with this I let go of the pain… love always twigs

Take it one day at a time, FKA twigs. Hope you get better soon!

DailyEdge is on Instagram!

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