OVER TEN YEARS old? Looking for ketchup to accompany your meal? Steer clear of this restaurant.
Mad Fresh Bistro in Fort Myers, Florida, refuses to serve ketchup to adults and, as you can imagine, a lot of people aren’t pleased about it.
Head chef Xavier Duclos defended his position, saying that ketchup wasn’t “part of his culinary agenda,” though conceded that it was “edible on certain things”.
From their official website:
We know, we know. People love their ketsup. But honestly, be ready. If you’re over 10 years old, ketsup will NOT be provided. Similarly, salt won’t be making an appearance next to your meal, either. We simply ask that you trust us. We know what we’re doing! Part of the MAD experience is to trust the chef, and not have preconceived notions of what your dish is going to need.
And, yes, that is how they spell ‘ketchup’.
Since the news story went viral, their Facebook has been inundated with comments from unhappy ketchup fans.
Lesson? Never stand between a man and his ketchup.