Dublin: 11 °C Thursday 6 March, 2025

17 images of food porn only Irish people will truly appreciate


IF THE #FOODPORN Instagram hashtag was exclusively Irish, it would feature things like:

1. #cantbateabittabatch

batter2 Source: Instagram

2. #hugedirtycurrycheesechip

3. #fullIrish #hangin

4. #taytosangwich #brownbread

5. #spicebaghun

6. #delishcheesetoastie

cheeset Source: Instagram

7. #oneandone

8. #dirtychickenfilletroll

fillt Source: Instagram

9. #drowninginBallymaloe

drownin Source: Instagram

10. #3amAbra

drownin2 Source: Instagram

11. #blackpuddingoverwhite

blackon Source: Instagram

12. #ButterandJamOnBrownBread #mam

brownbread Source: Instagram

13. #BattuuurrBurger

batter Source: Instagram

14. #bigWaterfordblaa #boi

15. #OnlySuperquinnSausages4Lyf

superquinn Source: Instagram

16. #ChocolateKimberley

instaembeds2 Source: Instagram

17. #fullIrishPizza

instaembeds23 Source: Instagram

snapcode with text cropped (9)

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About the author:

David Elkin

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