Dublin: -1 °C Wednesday 19 March, 2025

This lovely photo of a proposal at Forbidden Fruit has taken over Facebook

“At the very exact spot they met 3 years previously”

DESPITE THE SEEMINGLY never-ending deluge of rain, all reports from the frontlines of Dublin’s Forbidden Fruit were of a seriously good bank holiday festival.

But in amongst all the revellers and the session going on around them, a love story was taking place:

“This is Dee and Keith who got engaged on Saturday at the very exact spot they met 3 years previously.”

engaged Source: Forbidden Fruit


The Forbidden Fruit Facebook page captured the moment on Saturday and shared it with the world yesterday afternoon.

They clearly got the back story too – because this wasn’t just any old proposal – as the couple had met beside the carousel back in 2014.

Would you look at the scene

The exact moment Dee was like “WHAAAAAT?”

Since yesterday, the photo has amassed nearly 7000 likes on Facebook and hundreds of comments.

Conor McGregor also pitched up to the festival on Saturday. You have to imagine if he saw the moment playing out this would be his reaction

A Forbidden Fruit love story <3

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About the author:

David Elkin

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