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6 surprising things found on the cinema floor

Yep, that’s a bucket of hair.

GOING TO SEE a film this weekend?

Maybe you should think twice before you put your handbag on the ground or settle in too comfortably.

Here are just some of the things that have been found on cinema floors…

1. A tub of hair

I work at a movie theatre and this is what I found while cleaning a theatre…

Via Imgur

2. A loaded gun

Two students found the gun on the floor of the Tillamook movie theatre in Oregon when they went on a class trip to see The Hobbit in December 2012.

According to KATU the gun was loaded and the safety was off.


3. Puke

According to one cinema employee the film Cloverfield made lots of people motion sick, hence lots of puke.

4. Condoms

I find used condoms all the time



5. A bottle of shampoo

One employee found a half-empty bottle of shampoo after a midnight showing of The Amazing Spider-Man. As you do.

Flickr/Creative Commons/ GeorgeyK

6. A thief

Last year a man in Hartford, Connecticut was making a killing by crawling around on the floor of a cinema, taking credit cards from womens’ handbags.

We wonder did he encounter any buckets of hair or used condoms…

The 8 things that will ruin your cinema trip>

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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