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J1-favourite Four Loko is finally being brought to Ireland

Prepare yourselves.

Updated: December 7, 9.30pm

IF YOU’VE EVER been on a J1, you’ll know ALL about Four Loko.

The American boozy fruit drink is known for its high volume of alcohol, and it’s set to come to Ireland in the new year.

Facebook page Four Loko Ireland announced that they’re to import the drink, which contains 12 percent alcohol, to our shores in 2017.

Jack Kearney, who owns the page, told DailyEdge.ie that the first shipment is due to arrive in January or February.

Cases of the original Four Loko Source: minamhere

He explained the idea stemmed from his J1 in California this year, and seeing how popular the drink was.

By pure coincidence, my father, who deals a lot with China in his business, rings me up from Ireland and says have you heard of this stuff called Four Loko, the Chinese keep asking for it. I told him about it, he contacted the US manufacturers but couldn’t get it for China.

Hey, who knew they were mad for Four Loko in China?

If not China, why not Ireland?

Four Loko Source: Rolling Okie

I had a bit of a light-bulb moment and suggested we try and get the distribution for Ireland. We got the distribution and our first shipment is due in January of February.

There’s a wealth of flavours, but we’re told they’ll begin by importing just two or three, and plan on selling in online and some select outlets. Off-licenses will come, down the line.

The drink was banned in several states until it was relaunched in 2010 to remove excessive caffeine, taurine and guarana as ingredients and ceases marketing itself as an energy drink.

However, Four Loko’s parent company Phusion Projects emphasised to DailyEdge.ie that the Facebook page in question is in no way an official company page and they are in no way affiliated with this quest to bring Four Loko to Ireland.

Further to this, they said they recognise the “tremendous potential opportunity” in Ireland, and they are “very likely” to launch here in the near future.

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