Dublin: 7 °C Wednesday 5 March, 2025

On this night in 1992 you were listening to... Shakespears Sister

A Friday flashback to get your weekend started.

VERY GOTH, VERY glam and a little bit scary, Shakespears Sister (yes, the misspelling was intentional) were responsible for the gloriously dramatic hit Stay.

The duo featured Siobhan Fahey (of COURSE she was born in Ireland), who had left Bananarama after allegedly becoming disillusioned with the pop band’s direction.

A direction that presumably didn’t involve wearing a silver crown and a sequinned onesie.

shakespears sister

Much respect to the band for releasing a single called Hormonally Yours, but sadly they never again reached as high in the charts again as they did with this single.

Source: fayearn2046/YouTube

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