YES, IT IS as simple as that. Following an extensive survey at TheJournal.ie HQ (ok, it was a show of hands), we have come to the conclusion that wombats are pretty amazing.
These quadrupedal marsupials (we don’t know what that means either) which are native to Australia may have teeth that go bitey and claws that go swipey, but no matter.
As a great many humans prove each and every day, it’s amazing what you can get away with when you look like butter wouldn’t melt.
We could have waited until (unofficial) Wombat Day but as it falls on Monday 22 October, as opposed to today, it just wouldn’t have worked.
To get you in the mood for the slideshow to come, here’s a wombat strutting its stuff.
So anyway, wombats are cool, even though they don’t appear to do much, as our slideshow proves: