GOING OUT WITH friends is always cathartic. It’s National Friendship Day today, so what better time to grab them for a few bevvies and a catch up?
1. First off, they can always be persuaded to head out with you when no one else is bothered
2. They don’t panic when you do a few laps
3. Let’s not forget listening to your stories over and over and over
4. They’re always happy to see you get the shift
Almost TOO happy.
5. They make sure you are hydrated on your birthday and other celebratory occasions
6. While fully documenting the scenes
7. They stick it out with you in the smoking area
Well, until their jam comes on.
8. Not forgetting their ability to get you away from that clown you’re chatting to
9. While making sure you hook up with the right ones
10. They’re always up for a dance
11. They make sure you get home OK
12. … have a place to sleep
13. And leave you a trail of messages to connect the dots the next day
14. They’re basically the only hangover doctor you ever need