Dublin: 5 °C Wednesday 22 January, 2025

11 of the most genius Irish online classifieds

Honestly, they’re quite something.

WE ALL LOVE the idea of making a fast buck.

It’s incredibly easy these days to buy and sell online  - and the benefits of getting rid of your old stuff for profit pretty much speak for themselves.

But some people take that idea and run with it. Run with it a touch too far.

11. Second-hand engagement ring, anyone?

Ah if he really loved you, he’d understand you wanted the Picnic ticket more. Right?

10. What’s better than an excellent pun?

A FREE excellent pun.

9. It’s practically a convertible!

8. Sales is all about confidence

Confidence and a sharp suit.

7. The emperor’s new clothes

6. “Possibly 2 people”

Ambitious. We like it.

5. I mean, you can’t really argue with that

It IS 50 shades of grey.

4. First she says he put her “under too much pressure”

Then she said he “let him down”.

3. All you’ve got to do is transport it

A Sisyphean feat, what?

2. The ultimate in home security

“Protect your home against thieves, zombies and tv licence inspectors with these unique guard budgies. ”

1. A bargain at €997

But surely we’re not alone in actually kind of wanting one of these?

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