WE KNOW THAT on the internet lots of animals are vying for your attention.
There are plenty of animals being cute, outrageous, funny and scary across videos and pics all day every day.
We do feel though that corgis are quite special.
These pint-sized charmers are not only a favourite of the Royal Family but provide us with some YouTube gold.
Here are some ways in which corgis prove just how amazing they are.
1. The Corgi Flop
This video of Cooper the corgi taking a unique approach to entering the water is hilarious:
geddesd21 / YouTube
And just like anything that proves successful there are follow ups.
Corgi Flop 2 is like any sequel, more of the same but still oddly enjoyable
geddesd21 / YouTube
The third video is a tad distressing with Cooper seeming to lose his leaping skills
geddesd21 / YouTube
Thankfully he gets it together for the final video in the Corgi Flop series.
geddesd21 / YouTube
2. They love to get together with friends
Look at these happy corgis hanging out and being corgi-ish
via Imgur
3. They enjoy staying fit
via Gifbay
4. They are the dog of choice of The Queen
PA/PA Archive/Press Association Images
She even has someone to carry them around for her:
PA/PA Archive/Press Association Images
5. They enjoy sporting activities
Pinwheely / Deviant Art
via GifBay
6. They don't seem fussed when turned into a cake
Obviously corgis are too cool to act overexcited about this.
Geoff Caddick/PA Archive/Press Association Images
7. They seem happiest when trying to fly
CHRIS GARDNER/AP/Press Association Images
8. They are very suave
Suaver than suave
via Imgur
9. They look great on a t-shirt
via RKDM
10. They have great dress sense
via Imgur
The Otis Brain Bank / Tumblr
via MSPA Forums
via Uproxx
11. They look a bit like Skrillex
If you get the outfit right anyway:
via Imgur
12. They are really amusing to watch run in slow motion
This gets really good at the 41 second mark
James Amis / YouTube
13. They can be a bit scary sometimes
via Imgur
14. They don't like sniffing bums very much
Best reaction ever
15. They look really cute when they sleep
Like seriously cute:
jtbruin / YouTube
Some of them even dance in their sleep:
wphan454 / YouTube
Just be ready for them to be surprised when they wake up
via GifBin
16. They are just really cute and good at winking
Ultimately, corgis are just really great.
They even wink at you!
via Imgur
Hurrah for corgis!
via CutestPaw