IF YOU ARE a living, sentient human being, then chances are you don’t like your driver’s license photo.
But don’t despair, because things could be a lot worse.
1. At least you don’t have a pasta strainer on your head in yours
2. You likely don’t look like a stunned deer
4. …or Quasimodo
4. …or Jerry Seinfeld
5. You probably don’t look as wrecked as Conan O’Brien
6. And you don’t look like you’re in the circus
7. You didn’t opt to do your best Zoolander
8. You’re not wearing this t-shirt
9. Your license doesn’t literally read “eat ass”
10. You didn’t accidentally leave the curlers in your hair
11. You don’t look like you’re full after a big dinner
12. You probably don’t look rabid
13. A fly probably didn’t land on your face right as the photo was taken
14. And you definitely aren’t Justin Bieber