1. One of the greatest mysteries of our time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2. Same.
3. “Pretty woman, walking down the street…”
4. Ain’t that always the way?
5. The Penneys Maximiser Bra — every modest bust’s BFF
6. Until they totally leave you down, that is.
7. Is there anything better than treating yourself to a new pyjamas from Penneys at Christmas? Nope.
8. Relationship status:
9. That feeling when you spot 4,312 other girls wearing the exact same scarf as you
10. *nods knowingly at gal wearing same Penneys scarf*
11. One of the great Irish proverbs…
12. Sure, I don’t technically need anything in Penneys, but that’s not the point
13. The Curse of the Wet Penneys Bag: the great unspoken taboo in Irish society
Damn you to tell. Truly.
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