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13 receipts that almost justify the existence of receipts

Sale is FINAL.

RECEIPTS ARE ANNOYING. Sure they’re proof of purchase and you’ll be thankful for them when you match the description of an armed robber, but still. That doesn’t give us any comfort when those flimsy sheets of white paper end up clogging our bag, pockets, wallet, streets, world etc.

Imgflip Source: whatleydude

And they’re unnecessarily long. Like REALLY.

Shannon, May 27, 2011 Source: pat00139

But hold on, there may be some merit in them yet, judging by these stand-outs.

1. Those that flat out deny what they are

This is not a receipt Source: dan taylor

2. The ones that cheer you on after an epic feast

aojAxn7 Source: Imgur

3. The ones that reveal your sick, sick mind

tumblr_lvlwttTk1m1qcl4dko1_500 Source: Tumblr

4. Or the immature hive of immaturity that is your head


20140315165426_78 Source: Pujiahh

5. That one that gets picked up by facial recognition software

e8gwd1M Source: Imgur

6. Or the few that reveal some interesting staff names…

3LaktI4 Source: Imgur

7. Then there are the ones that make you question everything

slide_263948_1770204_free Source: Viralcircus

8. Or realise that you’re not that bad, after all

tumblr_mht0s3mgF11qz581wo1_500 Source: Tumblr

9. There are those that laugh at their own innuendos


10. or crap jokes

slide_263948_1770491_free Source: Viralcircus

11. The ones that articulate your order just perfectly

receiptsfunny Source: Imgur

12. Or remind you of the things you forgot you bought

ddEOoJX Source: Imgur

13. … or would rather forget

NN7Wg Source: Imgur

Man robs shop while wearing a plastic bag on his head>

This accurately describes every ‘trendy’ restaurant in Ireland>

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