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9 ways Wimbledon turns us all into tennis experts

We’re all obsessed with our rackets and tennis things for a very brief time.

THIS YEAR’S WIMBLEDON is well underway and for tennis fans it’s the time of year when your favourite sport gets plenty of coverage and has everyone talking.

The power of Wimbledon is such that it turns us all into temporary tennis obsessives with a sudden knowledge for a sport we’d have no interest in the rest of the year.

Here are some of the ways Wimbledon makes us act like we all know everything about tennis (when we clearly don’t)

1. We refer to players by the surnames

It’s all Federer this and Murray that because that is just how you refer to players when you are as knee deep in all this tennis business as we are.

Apart from chatting about the Williams sisters obviously.

2. You join a tennis club

Joe Shlabotnik / Flickr

In a moment of Wimbledon fever you sign up to your tennis club convinced that the one summer you spent learning the perfect backhand will come flooding back to you.

Then you visit the tennis club once and spend more time in the club house drinking flat Club Orange than you do playing any sport.

3. This sign is put up in your area because you’ve spent too much time practising your tennis moves:

Kevan / Flickr

4.  You think that a headband is something you should own and wear frequently

Elizabeth Pantaleo/PA Archive/Press Association Images

5. You invest in a shiny new tennis racket

That first looks like this:

Ben Margot/AP/Press Association Images

Then you put it in the shed, forget to use it, your dog gets at it and this happens:

Derklbot / Flickr

6. You will only do a white wash

For all your tennis themed ensembles of course

David Lewis / Flickr

7.  You watch TV in the dark

Because it’s the middle of the day and sunny and it’s the only way to get the glare off the screen long enough to watch the Men’s Semi Final.


8. Strawberries and cream are all you eat for the duration of Wimbledon

/kallu / Flickr

You start to think you may be turning into a bowl of strawberries and cream and feel ill but you are so keen to stay in the spirit of things you persist in eating them.

9. You frantically plan your trip to Wimbledon next year but then forget about it once it ends

But while it’s on you are very jealous of those celeb types watching the games in the perfect seats:

PA Wire/PA Archive/Press Association Images

13 reasons why we can’t wait for Wimbledon to begin>

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