THIS MORNING, ED Sheeran released the video for Galway Girl.
It’s cute! But we couldn’t help but pick some holes in it…
First of all, we’re expected to believe that Ed got a limo from his show in Dublin to a small pub in Galway.
Logistically unlikely, but we’re willing to suspend our belief.
There’s no way a pub would stand for this carry-on early on in the night
Saoirse would be asked to get off the table like a good girl and, if she got lippy, she’d be kindly escorted out. Don’t believe us? Hop up on a table when you’re out having a few scoops tomorrow evening and see if people are cool with it.
A beermat with no gaudy drinks logo and plenty of white space to write a little welcome message on? How handy.
Having a table in a bathroom is a health and safety hazard, surely.
Side-note: much respect to Hector for managing to sneak into this video. ‘Tis a long way from promoting horse-racing in Ireland.
This seems… convenient.
Also, why is this video set in Galway when the song clearly details how he met the so-called Galway Girl on Grafton Street? *strokes chin*
Would you really have the energy for this after swigging pints, dancing and playing darts?
Ireland is great, but we don’t typically have Irish dancers busking on the streets in the wee hours
And look! They just so happened to have a copy of Rolling Stone to hand.
Ah yes, the magazine that all Irish teenagers love to read and purchase religiously.
Girl, what are you doing cycling!!!
You’ve had a million pints. At least wear a helmet!
What’s this underground tattoo parlour that (a) operates 24/7 (b) allows locked people to drink whiskey and consent to getting tattoos and (c) allows someone to deliberately ruin their pal’s tattoo?!
And then scoffs at the drunk person in question!
If they are in Galway, why didn’t they get chips in Supermacs?
Come on, lads.
This kind of exuberance is would not be tolerated in the middle of a pub.
This isn’t the Titanic, people.
Who are these two youngsters just Irish dancing in the middle of the pub and refusing to stop even as it looks like a fight is about to kick off not three feet away from them?
Can’t stop dancing. Mustn’t stop dancing.
How does Saoirse not look rough out by the end of the night?
Nobody looks this luminous after drinking stout all night.
You’re telling me that these two ran around Galway, danced in pubs, drank enough to knock a horse and we don’t even get to see a messy shift?
A crime.