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Everyone is losing their minds over THAT death on tonight's Game of Thrones finale

How are we supposed to deal with this? Tell us.

THE FINAL EPISODE of Game of Thrones season five has just wrapped up over here, and it was ridiculous.

There were deaths, blindings, deaths, public shamings, and oh, just a few more deaths.

For the last time this season, we must warn you that this post contains spoilers. Lots of spoilers. Do not pass the Tyrion buffer, do not collect €200.

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The finale packed a lot in - Stannis Baratheon was killed off fairly quickly by Brienne of Tarth, while Sansa and Theon Greyjoy attempted to escape from Ramsay Bolton.

Jaime Lannister told Myrcella Baratheon that he was her dad (and also her uncle, as you do) – and moments later, she dropped dead after being poisoned by Ellaria Sand. Great.

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Arya offs the despicable Meryn Trant and is blinded for her efforts, and Cersei did her naked walk of shame through King’s Landing.

You’d think this would be enough action for one episode, right?

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Then they killed off Jon Snow.

Yes, the bastard Jon Snow – he of the lustrous hair and fine pelt, he who knows nothing, finished out the fifth season in a pool of his own blood after being stabbed by several of his old mates in the Night’s Watch.

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Naturally, fans are more than a little distressed. In fact, everyone is devastated.

No one really wanted to believe it

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Others were more than ready to crack the jokes

Too soon, you guys. Too soon.

There is a new character for all to hate

This comes in the form of Olly, a young member of the Night’s Watch who previously admired Snow, before helping to STAB HIM TO DEATH.

Oh, and did we mention he was the one who shot Ygritte in the last season? Yeah.

Me?? Pissed at Olly?? Nah what are you talking about?! Source: the999thlordcommander

Literally get in the sea, Olly.

And, as always, there were people threatening to give up the show completely


A popular fan theory is that Melisandre will bring Jon Snow back to life – but actor Kit Harington has firmly ruled that out in an interview with Entertainment Weekly.

Quite honestly, I have never been told the future of things in this show, but this is the one time I have…. I’m dead. I’m not coming back next season.

jon-snow-laugh Source: Spylight

RIP Jon. You truly knew nothing. :(

More: 16 hysterical (and spoiler-free) reactions to tonight’s Game of Thrones finale>

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