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Game of Thrones reaches out to multicultural audience with rap album... yes, really

I can bring you that Khaleesi heat.

BIG BOI FROM Outkast, Common and Wale are some of the rappers featured on a new promotional rap mixtape for Game of Thrones.

According to the Wall Street Journal HBO has hired a number of rappers and Latin musicians to record a mini album called Catch the Throne in an effort to reach a wider audience.

A sample of lyrics include:

I’m tellin’ whoever messin’ with me
I can bring you that Khaleesi heat
Use my King, knack for words, as an actual sword
I can decapitate a rapper

Dialogue from the show and music from its score will be sampled on the album.

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HBO execs have said that their multicultural audiences are an important subscriber base. Of it’s American viewers for the third season of Game of Thrones 13.2 per cent were black, 9.2 per cent were Hispanic and 76.6 per cent were white.

According to the WSJ it’s hoped that celebrity influencers can bring the multicultural audience number up.

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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