CERSEI, DAENERYS, ARYA, Sansa, Brienne, Yara, Lyanna Mormont…
The sixth season of Game of Thrones has undoubtedly been the season of the women.
As we still reel from the revelations from this week’s finale (R+L=J anyone? And poor Margaery?) it’s clear that after several seasons of fairly robust criticism of the treatment and portrayal of female characters in the show, the tide has started to turn.
Daenerys Targaryen is finally on her way to Westeros…
Cersei unleashed her wildfire in a blaze of victory and horror (although she took Margaery down with her) and has us all thinking WHAT WILL SHE DO IN SEASON 7?
Arya took her revenge over Walder Frey and struck another name off her kill list. Who’s next?
And so on and so on. So many of the gut wrenching storylines we’ve been left to cling to while we wait for the next season (fly, time, fly!) have strong women at their helm.