Dublin: 12 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

Gary Lineker invited fans to ask him questions on Twitter and it totally backfired

Well, that didn’t go to plan.

EARLIER THIS EVENING, football legend and Match of the Day host Gary Lineker invited fans to ask him questions under the hashtag #AskLineker.

And like most forays into crowdsourcing, it hasn’t gone so well.

Sure, there have been a few serious questions.

But for the most part, it has been hijacked by a bunch of tickets.

The questions ranged from basic household queries…

To complicated mathematical problems

Some sought important life advice

While others just plainly took the ‘psssss’

There were a lot of crisps questions, actually

Some people just wanted to share interesting facts with him

While others got real deep and reflective

Perhaps wisely, Lineker appears to have ignored all the silly questions and has stuck to football-related matters.

Although he did answer one crisps question…

Always on brand, Gary.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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