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Gas station cashier unleashes killer MMA moves on would-be robbers


THESE TWO WOULD-be thieves got slightly more than they bargained for when the guy working in the gas station they were planning to rob turned out to be a five-time MMA champion. LOL, oops!

Mayura Dissanayake is a Sri-Lankan MMA champion and was behind the till in a Houston gas station on July 10th when he noticed his co-worker pull up in his car outside.

His co-worker had been followed from the bank by an SUV, from which two men emerged and proceeded to beat him up.

Seeing what was going on, Dissanayake immediately sprung into action to defend his co-worker and showed the thieves who was boss. “The first guy I saw, I just kicked him in the face,” Dissanayake told KPRC. “Then I punched the other guy.”

Here’s Houston’s KPRC2 story on the incident complete with CCTV footage.

Source: Majin Vegeta/YouTube

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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