IN ONE OF the more ridiculous videos that has surfaced online in the history of ridiculous online videos, this US woman has become the talk of the internet today.
Her and her husband were driving towards the hospital to deliver their baby, when the baby decided that it was time before they reached their destination. It’s a graphic video, but one that people can’t stop watching – and is just about the most viral video on the internet right now.
They had been driving for 45 minutes when the baby decided that now was the time
A little panic set in when the mother realised the baby was coming
And they knew it was time to deliver
Here’s the full video, and while definitely SFW, it contains some fairly graphic content because, well, a baby has just been delivered. So, caution advised
Of course, the internet has been bemused, shocked and ultimately happy that the mother and baby are fine at the end
But the video was as crazy as anything you are likely to see online today
And this very salient point has been raised many times
Not for the faint of heart, but ultimately a happy ending.