WHEN GAY BYRNE interviewed Stephen Fry as part of The Meaning of Life series on RTÉ One on Sunday night, it was his reactions to Fry’s responses that caught the imagination of everyone watching.
Outrage about everything from credit card fraud to drug-taking got Gay in a twist. Here’s how he would react to other horrific, everyday events:
1. It always happens
Just when Gay is about to send that important email, the Dublin Bus WIFI cuts out.
2. The absolute snake
We’re sure this happens to Gay every Saturday night.
3. #SorryNotSorry
4. Keep the head down
Standard practice.
5. Them seasons change so quick
That one day you think it will be freezing and it turns out to be a scorcher. Gaybo feels you.
6. A perennial problem for all
7. *sigh*
Gaybo won’t be loading up his radio show podcast on this browser.
Gaybo gets us. He understands the struggles.