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George Lucas responded to a little boy who asked him to allow Jedis to get married

“Please change the rule.”

AS ANY AVID Star Wars fan will know, Jedi Knights are forbidden from getting married.

The rule led seven-year-old Colin to find himself in somewhat of a pickle. He wants to become a Jedi Knight, but he also wants to get married — how can he be expected to choose between the two?

Colin decided to take matters into his own hands and write George Lucas a letter, asking him to bend the rules ever so slightly.

georgelucas Geekdad Geekdad

And George Lucas heard him loud and clear.

The young fan received this response from LucasFilm assuring Colin that he would one day be allowed to enjoy married life as a Jedi.

LucasFilmLetter GeekDad GeekDad

He also received a package full of Star Wars goodies, including stickers and a diary.

Peggy Gilpatric / YouTube

A good day’s work at the office, so.

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