NO ONE IS better than Georgia Salpa at putting their hand on things.
1. Putting her hand on former Olympic hurdler Colin Jackson
2. Putting her hand seductively on a prawn cracker
3. Putting her hand on a model sailing ship
4. Putting her hand on a greyhound while wearing a Santa suit
5. Putting her hand on Craig Doyle
6. Putting her hand on a holidaymaker
7. Putting her hands on a man dressed as a giant chilli
9. Putting her hand on an enormous sparkly pumpkin
10. Putting her hand on a crude miniature model of herself
11. Putting her hands on foliage
12. Putting her hand on a topless man with margarine on his chest
13. Putting her hands on an invisible beach ball
14. Putting her hands on a scalp
15. Putting her hook-hand on your face
16. Putting her hands on rural hunks
17. Putting her hand on a giant polystyrene zero
18. Putting her hand on an old man feeding her a chip
19. Putting her hand on a kebab with Keith Duffy
20. Putting her hand on your SSIA
21. Putting her hands on a sad dog in a sailor suit
Images: Photocall Ireland