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9 reasons why getting food is the best part of a night out

Fight us.

GETTING FOOD AT the end of a night is the best part of said night.

Here is an indisputable list of reasons why.

1. It’s so badly needed

After all that dehydrating dancing, drinking and general acting the maggot, before you know it six hours have passed and not a BIT of grease has passed your lips. Well, unless you had a particularly unfavourable shift.

So true Source: marieeew19

When someone suggests you just hop in a taxi with them, you’re all…


2. Calories don’t count after nights out

We all know this. Through science.

Curry chips on a weekday = circa 700 calories.

Curry chips on a weekend after the pub = 100 calories at most.

#currychips @direct2video @megoflynn #dinnerofchampions Source: grainneoflynn

3. Food tastes so much better after a heap of pints

Again, this is science.

#Guinness #pints #madeofmore #londontown #vauxhall Source: ronan.mul

4. The craic can be even better than in the clubs

Don’t tell us you haven’t had a little rave in Defontaines or Babylon in the Sunday AM. All the jams from the club, AND there’s food involved.


5. The camaraderie

Everyone is way sounder getting food then they are in bars.

Oh you ordered curry chips and a kebab too? Here, you take this one.

Too early to be in #Zaytoon Source: jondavewhite

6. You can forget what you ate the next day

Unless you brought it home, in which case you’ll have to linger among the remains.

7. Eating helps sponge up the horrors you’ve inflicted on yourself

The ultimate soakage.

LUNCH TIME!! 787-586-9101☎️ Source: georgiespizzatruck

8. Some of the best conversations happen in the chipper

Some of the greatest connections and friendships will be made over a bag of chips with extra salt and vinegar outside the nearby chipper after a night on the tiles.

Well, until the next morning, when your new bestie is nothing but a distant illusion.

#ChipperChips #Salt #Vinegar #Yum Source: ajkenny19

9. You might wake up with some left over

Preferably it won’t be in your face and pillow area, but hey, beggars can’t be choosers.

11 of the best places to get food after a night out in Dublin>

8 of the best places to get food after a night out in Cork>

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